How to Stop Loss in Cash Trading 【APP】
Veröffentlichen um 2020-09-17
1. A stop-loss order is a buy/sell order placed to limit potential losses when you are worried that the prices may move against your trade.
There are two types of stop-loss orders on AscendEX: stop limit and stop market.
2. For example, your limit buy order of BTC has been filled. If you are worried that the market might move against your trade, you can set a stop limit order to sell BTC.
A. Select [Stop Limit Order]; enter a stop price, an order price and a size
B. Stop price should be lower than the previous buy price and current price; order price should be ≤ stop price
C. Click on [Sell BTC]. When the stop price is reached, the system will automatically place and fill the order per the pre-set order price and size

3. Assume your limit sell order of BTC has been filled. If you are worried that the market might move against your trade, you can set a stop limit order to buy BTC.
4. Select [Stop Limit Order]:
A. Enter a stop price, an order price and a size
B. Stop price should be higher than the previous sell price and current price; order price should be ≥ stop price
C. Click on [Buy BTC]. When the stop price is reached, the system will automatically place and fill the order per the pre-set order price and size

5. Assume your market buy order of BTC has been filled. If you are worried that the market might move against your trade, then you can set a stop market order to sell BTC.
6. Select [Stop Market Order]:
A. Enter a stop price and an order size
B. Stop price should be lower than the previous buy price and current price
C. Click on [Sell BTC]. When the stop price is reached, the system will automatically place and fill the order per the pre-set order size at market price

7. Assume your market sell order of BTC has been filled. If you are worried that the market might move against your trade, then you can set a stop market order to buy BTC.
8. Select [Stop Market Order]:
A. Enter a stop price and an order size
B. Stop price should be higher than the previous sell price and current price
C. Click on [Buy BTC]. When the stop price is reached, the system will automatically place and fill the order per the pre-set order size at market price

You have already set a stop loss order to mitigate the risk of potential losses. However, you want to buy/sell the token before the pre-set stop price is reached, you can always cancel the stop order and buy/sell directly.