Pusat Bantuan
New Leveraged Token SHELL Is Listed On AscendEX!
Dipublikasi pada 2025-02-19
Dear users,
To meet the trading needs of our users, AscendEX will add a new leveraged token for trading: SHELL at 02:00 a.m. UTC, February 20. Please see details below:
Leveraged Token | 3X Leverage Long | 3X Leverage Short |
Please note: L, short for long, refers to “going long”. S, short for short, refers to “going short”. The numbers 3 and 5 refer to the leverage multiple for a particular token.
Learn more about leveraged tokens trading here>
How to Trade Leveraged Tokens (App)
Risk Disclosure: Leveraged tokens are a type of high-risk financial derivative. Please be sure to have a full understanding of the products, as well as the rebalancing mechanism, holding costs and other basic principles before trading. The information above is not intended as advice for investment. Investors should be cautious and pay attention to risk management while trading.
Thank you for your continued support!
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