How to Convert a Small Account Balance into ASD【PC】
เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2021-08-09
Whenever users trade, there will be a small balance left behind in their account wallet after the transaction. On AscendEX, a small account balance refers to assets worth less than 0.001 BTC. AscendEX allows users convert a small balance into ASD.
The following are steps to convert a small balance into ASD:
1. Log in to your AscendEX account on you PC, go to [Wallet] on the upper right of the homepage - [Cash Account].

2. At the right side of the Cash Account page, click [One-Click for ASD Conversion].

3. Select the token you want to convert or click the vacant box on the upper left side of the page to select all tokens, then click [Convert to ASD] to complete conversion. You can check [One-click Conversion History] on the upper right of the page for conversion history

- Users can convert a small balance of multiple tokens into ASD with the one-click instruction. 2.
- Only one conversion every 24 hours is available for each AscendEX account.
- Tokens to be converted cannot be non-ASD tokens and cannot be delisted tokens.
- One-click for ASD Conversion charges 6% of the conversion amount as a service fee.
- One-click for ASD Conversion adopts a real-time conversion rate.